Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 6: Adventures in Pet-shipping-land

I have to begin by saying to anyone who has gone through the pet shipping process without stress and turmoil- You are my hero!

Now that that's off my chest, I am feeling pretty good as I near the end of this journey. I can actually see progress being made with the move. My son ships out in a few weeks and I will follow shortly behind. Now, all that remains is to store my belongings, successfully sell my crap, and find a loving home for my senior kitty who is too old to travel. Sounds simple right? Well..... I hope so.

Last weekend I felt overwhelmed but I have learned the best thing to do is to stay busy. I don't give myself time to worry if I am working towards my end goal. It didn't help that my hormones were whack and I was surrounded by family at my niece's sixth birthday. It was a bit of a reminder that I will miss the kid and her brother (who is 4 and took his sister's birthday spankings like a champ and a lot of giggles).

What did help was talking about my fears and stresses with my family. They are my biggest supporters in this, and I hate to say it, but I have learned too late to trust in them and lean on them for the support I need. I should have asked for help a year ago and saved myself some crazy moments, but that's not my style. I am independent, self providing, and have always had to learn things the hard way. Consider that lesson learned.
I guess, family is most important and the more I lean on them the more I realize they have my back. I am never alone, and though I might move half a world away, they will always remain close and be there when I need them.

On a separate note:
I have always joked about retiring from the world, picking up a laptop, and writing smut on the beach with a drink in my hand.
In the past few years, I have tacked a writing project with my sister in law. Lately our project has gone by the wayside as we both try to manage our private lives. Soon though, my dream will actually become a reality. I will be by a beach, possibly with a lap top and maybe a drink. Most likely though, I will be inside hammering away at a keyboard like a mad woman but, to me, that image isn't any less glamorous. With each task I check off my 'to-do list,' my heart beats a bit faster as I will soon be with the man of my dreams living our adventure, and also in a position where I can concentrate on achieving my own dream, at least for a little while. Oh happy days ahead.

Note to self, remember this post later when I want to kill my soon-to-be-live-in-lover for:
- leaving the toilet seat up
- not adding something to the grocery list
- being TOO present and in my face
- PMS time (who needs a reason)
- His stubborn attitude (I'm always right! I am alpha here)